Wednesday 4 August 2010

Back to primary school...growing cress on a flannel!

I came home last night to find that all my flowers had died.

They almost look nicer this way!


It's a day late, but better late than never.

Monday 2 August 2010

note to self

I had a thought that I could do small projects based on colour. I realise this is a terrible explanation of my idea but hopefully it will become clear once I get myself together to do it!

A colour a day. I will start tomorrow and the colour will be green.

Sunday 1 August 2010

Wednesday 21 July 2010

A room with a view.


Re-used exhibition fabric pieces.

Tuesday 29 June 2010


peace lily from David. lovely.


moving day is fast approaching, number 36 is looking sad and empty.

Thursday 24 June 2010


Today has been a day for good news!!! I got my results and have managed a 2:1 for my degree which I am very very pleased with! Dave got a first so we were able to have a celebratory drink together at lunch time.
I have also had an email from Blank Media Collective, who saw my work at the degree show and have recommended I put a profile and portfolio on their website, where I have the opportunity to be considered for exhibitions, print sales and publication in their magazine. All great opportunities that I am very keen on involving myself in!

I've also been very busy applying for jobs and contacting galleries for possible solo or group exhibitions, so it's all go! Just waiting to hear back...!

Fingers crossed!

Wednesday 23 June 2010

leftovers wednesday...

A bit more junk food....
Leftovers from Monday and Tuesday have been turned into golden, crunchy, cheese and spring onion croquettes. Probably not the healthiest choice but it's results day tomorrow and we're feeling a bit nervous!

Tuesday 22 June 2010

summer strawberries

Tuesday 22nd

Unfortunately a bit of an uninspiring one to start on, it's hard to make cheesy potato skins look attractive and un-junky! But it's a start...!

a photo a day keeps....boredom at bay?

So, now that uni projects are coming to an end (or at least slowing down), I need something to keep me motivated and photographing so I'm going for the old classic "photo a day" style project. As I now have a lot of time on my hands and have always been a keen cook, I have plenty of time to try making all the things I don't usually have time for! It only seems sensible to let my two passions feed each other and try and photograph everything I cook. This isn't strictly regulated, I'm sure I will forget to photograph or I will miss days, but I hope I will at least get some good pictures out of it all and certainly some yummy foods!

So, keep an eye out for daily food posts, along with the usual bits and bobs!

chick chick chick chick chicken, lay a little egg for me...

Beautiful ceramic egg cups by Sue Dunne have found a cosy new home!

new additions

New additions to the 90 Peninsular Building family!

Lovely house warming present from Sue, a wonderful ceramic artist and lovely auntie.

(mugs not made by Sue, but purchased from the pot shop - see next post for Sue's lovely work!)

red and green

Summer in the suburbs

Monday 21 June 2010


It's all finally coming to an end! The show is taken down on Thursday, results are given out and we all say our goodbyes!

Here are a few pictures I took of my work today whilst invigilating the exhibition. I chose to present my books on a plinth next to my work to make it flow a bit better and make it all more coherent....also to free up a bit of room on the slightly over-crowded portfolio table!

Prints are still on sale at the show if anyone still wants to buy!